Topical Groups

The consortium consists of eight University of California (UC) campuses (Davis, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Irvine, Riverside, and San Diego), Stanford, Caltech, and five national labs (Livermore, Berkeley, Sandia, Los Alamos, and SLAC). Collectively, this consortium has developed and enjoys an elaborate infrastructure for research in instrumentation. Coupled with the vast facilities available at national labs, the students in this program will be exposed to cutting- edge instruments and will interact with world-class experts who are deeply involved in developing and inventing new instruments in the following Topical Groups (TG):

  • Radiation Hardness 
  • Noble Liquid Detectors 
  • UV/VUV Photosensors 
  • Quantum Devices
  • Optical Scintillators/Crystals
  • Silicon Detectors 
  • AI/ML for Detectors 
  • Electronics/DAQ 
  • Trigger/Fast Timing 

Explore the sub tabs on each topical group and the university and lab participants.